Previously, in the ‘Priorities’ segment of this series, we discussed the Time-Management Matrix. This evaluates all your tasks on the dual axes of Importance and Urgence. The sweet spot for your productivity and creativity, as highlighted, is the Not Urgent-Important segment. But one of the other quarters that will demand a lot of you as a leader is the Urgent-Important segment. This is where you put out fires. And, as a leader, these may well be the fires that either baptise you, or burn you up.
Cultivating the skill of problem-solving is absolutely essential as a leader, because you are where the buck stops. Ultimately, as a business owner, you are the final arbiter (except where matters of legality, taxes or similar are concerned, but let’s not be flippant!) and there is no one else who you can go to to have your problems solved. It’s all down to you.
Now, a lot of people will find this notion absolutely terrifying — but it can also be freeing and exhilarating. You learn so much about your capabilities when you’re managing a crisis, and, if you’re very clever, you use those crises to shore things up. You patch over the areas that were previously weak and you make them strong. You use the problems to alert you to gaps in your plan, areas you need to innovate in, perhaps signs you need to shift your focus or your priorities. Rather than being alarmed, lashing out or playing the blame-game, a leader is solution-focused and looks for the opportunities even in trouble.
Because the secret concerning problem solving? No matter whether or not it says so in your job description, your ultimate utility is your ability to solve a problem. That’s what attracts your customers: they have a problem, you have a solution. That’s why some people excell: they learn and grow capable of solving more and more complicated problems. That’s what innovation is: anticipating the next problem and offering a solution. Being a solution-oriented thinker creates creativity and keeps you on-task and focused, because instead of panicking when you encounter a fire that needs to be put out or an unhappy customer that demands your attention, you are able to respond with grace and ease.
Grace under pressure: that’s some solid-gold leadership behavior right there. For more actionable advice and support, subscribe to the mailing list. You can also claim your free report ‘The Five Essentials of Sales’ at The Business Accelerant.
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